Open a Conversaid Licensed Center

Independent Licensed Conversaid Program

The Goals of Conversaid

Conversaid was founded with the goal of providing the highest quality speech and movement experiences to as many people as possible, involving companies, executives and working professionals where ever they are in their career advancement process. Conversaid is therefore dedicated to the thorough and professional support of Conversaid licensees and instructors and their work with companies and employees. This support includes training, mentoring networking services, national and regional promotion, conflict resolution, ongoing research and development, the production of audio, video and print materials (if relevant), and the distribution of Conversaid training materials and related products.

The Benefits of Licensing

The licensing program is designed to achieve the goals of Conversaid’s research and development department. These goals include maintaining standards of teaching quality while supporting the creative individuality and growth of each instructor. Licensing achieves these aims through:

– comprehensive initial instructor education, followed by ongoing opportunities for further growth and study;

– the use of standardized materials;

– adherence to flexible program guidelines based on ARTA research and field experience;

– ongoing interaction with the Conversaid creators to support licensees in practical and business matters.

Probably the most important benefit, however, is being part of a teaching/learning community on the cutting edge of communication and speech education.

Becoming a Registered Conversaid Instructor

Becoming a registered Conversaid Instructor requires that an individual:

– successfully complete the Introductory and Conversaid Instructor Training Workshops;

– be approved by the ARTA workshop trainer;

– be currently teaching or scheduled to teach at a licensed Conversaid location.

Approval by the workshop trainer is based upon evaluations during the workshops as well as general ability, training, and experience in the areas of acting, singing, movement, and/or communication and speech education.


Licensing is the process by which a registered Conversaid Instructor or the employing organization becomes authorized to operate an independent Conversaid program as a school or business. The licensee is often referred to as an “associate director.” A license allows the associate director to use both the Conversaid trademark, logo, and the curriculum in classes with participants and clients.

Obtaining a License for a Proposed Conversaid Program

Participation in the training does not guarantee that a license will be granted. The following additional requirements apply:

– The principal instructor scheduled to teach each Conversaid class must be a registered Conversaid Instructor.

– The specific site location must be approved by Live Faculty, LLC.

– A licensing application and a $175.00 application fee must be submitted. (The application form is distributed at the Instructor Training Workshops.)

Approval of licensing applications is normally quite prompt in underdeveloped areas and usually takes no longer than four to six weeks in locations near other Conversaid centers.

Starting up an Independent Conversaid Site

After a licensing application is approved, the associate director receives a Associate Director Material which contains all the information needed to launch a new Conversaid program. Included in this material are guidelines and Conversaid policies, suggestions about how to get your center started, (such as class scheduling, setting tuition and class policies), and suggestions for growing your center, (such as marketing, computerizing, hiring and nurturing your instructor’s development). Sample publicity materials and camera-ready Conversaid logos and graphics are also enclosed.

Mentoring and Business Guidance

“How can I encourage more clients to join a Conversaid class?”

“What can I do about children want to join the class?”

“How can I increase enrollment?”

“How much should I budget for marketing?”

New Conversaid licensees have many questions; and in response, Conversaid created its ARTA Membership Program. Each new licensee is linked up with an experienced associate director for emotional support, problem-solving and advice. In addition, the staffs headquarters are available for consultation; and the ARTA office in Los Angeles, CA, as well as other centers, welcome apprentices and provide opportunities to observe classes taught in by experienced instructors. With Conversaid, help and resources are readily available.

Other Benefits to Licensees

Licensees receive numerous significant benefits for the service fee paid to Conversaid, (currently $59.99 / month / attendee):

Material: A recording of material is provided for each Conversaid Instructor, plus a instructor guide for those new to Conversaid.

Instructors Materials: Instructors receive an instructor’s manual and video exercise book, including tips for teaching each exercise, extended recordings of selected exercises for classroom use, and feedback/suggestions from other instructors.

ARTA Newsletters: Conversaid provides ongoing education and marketing support through its informative and spirited newsletter mailed to all ARTA members both during and following their membership.

Educational Support: New research findings, techniques and emerging training tips from Conversaid and other educational topics of broad interest are communicated regularly to all Conversaid Instructors.

Trademark / Logo Use and Marketing Support: Licensees enjoy use of Conversaid’s appealing logo designs, plus staff and mentor advice on advertising, brochures, mailings and other promotional activities.

Business and Organizational Support: Conversaid also provides business assistance for licensees in such matters as tuition, projecting enrollment and income, renting space, insurance, registration procedures, attendance policies, equipment needs and financial procedures.

Technology: Conversaid uses custom class registration software for its licensees which is available at no cost. Licensees also have the opportunity to purchase, at a low cost, customized online scheduler and website services. Also, available at no fee, are the teacher and director intranet site which enable the Conversaid community to communicate about teaching and directing easily and regularly.

Special Discounts: A series of special prices apply to licensees, including a discount on most recordings, free resources on each semester’s initial order of curriculum materials, and newsletters free each semester for publicity purposes.

Please feel free to contact us for further information on licensing at:
(855) 767-2223 (x107) Or e-mail us:

